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Welcome to South Hardin High School!

Go fight you Tigers, on to vic-to-ry!
We are always with you,
although tough the fight may be.
Rah! Rah! Rah!

Go win you Tigers,
give it all your might.
We will be here to cheer you on
to win this game tonight!!!

South Hardin Tigers,
Fight! Fight! Fight!

1800 24th Street   Eldora, IA

(641) 939-3421  
Fax: (641) 939-3423

South Hardin High School: The Best High School in Iowa

Gradient Tiger Logo.png
Senior Class Picture

Welcome to the Best High School in Iowa!


We have a lot to be proud of at South Hardin High School!  An excellent school with active students, supportive communities and awesome facilities. This coupled with a collaborative, compassionate, skilled staff makes South Hardin a great place to be.  

"Embracing today's challenges, preparing for tomorrow's world" is our daily mantra at South Hardin.  Our teachers and staff are encouraged to try new things and explore improved instructional practices to ensure that we are continually reaching all students.  A professional development focus on instruction, tasks, and student work helps teachers to collaborate and improve in these areas.  Leadership positions including an Instructional Leader and several educational coaches help to facilitate ongoing improvement in our classrooms.

Twenty-first century skills are another vital component to the educational process at South Hardin.  We are in our 7th year as a 1:1 school and embrace the use of technology as a tool and not a crutch in the learning environment.

I genuinely care about all children and their families, which motivates me to try my best to provide a quality experience for everyone. Ensuring a safe, positive learning environment is a top priority the staff at South Hardin High School. We come to work every day with enthusiasm to support each student.

Our partnership with the students and families of our students as well as other community members and organizations is a key part of our success. Students benefit as all stakeholders should be part of the educational process. .

We welcome you into South Hardin High School!  Please feel free to contact me with questions, comments, or concerns.  


Thank you for supporting our school.

Michael Rundall, HS Principal

Principal Picture

Reasons We're Proud of Our School

  • South Hardin High School was a bronze medal winner in the U.S. News and World Report “2016 America’s Best High Schools”.  Nearly 20,000 schools were analyzed, with less than 27% nationally and 108 in Iowa, receiving medal status for proficiency rates on state tests and college readiness.  South Hardin High School was also recognized by Newsweek Magazine in 2016 as a top high school in America for "Beating the Odds: Best Schools for Low-Income Students."

  • South Hardin High School is a 9-12 facility that includes 280 students.   Students receive instruction from twenty-two full time instructors, nine shared or part-time instructors, a full time Guidance Counselor, and a full time Principal.   Instruction is supported with directors in the areas of technology, curriculum, and special education, two office personnel, and a well trained and veteran para-educator staff.

  • An Alternative High School which provides another path to graduation for non-traditional students, is offered on site to students who qulaify.

  • In the fall of 2010, SHHS became one of the first 50 high schools in Iowa to provide a laptop for all students.

  • Vocational course offerings are a source of pride at SHHS.  Multiple offerings in business, home economics, agriculture, art, and industrial technology give students real world exploration opportunities.  Among the features of these programs are one of the areas most active FFA programs, a working restaurant offered to the public, and a construction class that completes community projects. Several vocational areas offer dual credit opportunities through Iowa Valley Community College.

  • South Hardin High School offer some of the best facilities in the state of Iowa.   The high school building was opened in the fall of 1993 and is often mistaken by visitors as a new building.  Included is a state-of-the-art auditorium with seating for 496, a fitness room which is also available to the public, a fully functioning wood shop, welding bays, gymnasium and wrestling room and many classroom amenities.  The grounds at SHHS include a variety of improvements including an all-weather track, scoreboards on all fields, baseball-softball concession stand, bus barn and maintenance areas, our signature wind generator, and most recently a new wrestling room and two new classrooms completed in 2008.  The gymnasium floor was refinished in 2016 and is one of the best floors in the North Iowa Cedar League.

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